Saturday, August 23, 2008

How sweet.....

Following our fight last night, Brad gave me the following card. Yes the man can be sweet and lovely sometimes.

Oh and yes we have apologised to each other and things are better, even though he tried to restart the fight this morning before I went to WI
. Mind you he also wanted me to stay home and have 4 hours of sex with him, unfortunately I had to decline this rather tempting offer, as I was meeting a friend for breakfast & coffee after weigh in. There are always another opportunities.........

Love and Adore You...

I heard the music when true love called,
a song sent from heaven on silver wings.
The whole world was dreaming,
wisps of light streaming,
as the stars spilled their magic upon you and me.

The tune was more lovely
than the nightingale's song,
more delicate than a rose weeping,
yet as powerful as the sun leaping
to shed golden ribbons in herald of dawn.

And I bow down before you,
the one my eyes have longed to behold,
my lonely heart pining,
love Light shining,
I swear that I shall love and adore you.



Chris H said...

4 hours???!!!! oops got sidetracked..... 'what a lovely guy'.... giving you such a lovely card.

Heather said...

Nothing like making up :). You wouldn't be human if you didn't fight sometimes eh? Sweet card. Awwwhhhh. xx