Friday, August 15, 2008

Cleaning out the wardrobe

This photo is "Someday clothes' are broken into weight groups".

I decided last night that I would go through my wardrobe and throw out all of the t-shirts, shorts, tops, jumpers and jeans etc that are too big. Mind you I decided that I had to try everything on first so it was quite an ordeal and took well over an hour to do. In the end I had 4 garbage bags that went into the charity bins this morning. About 6 weeks ago I gave about 6 or 8 (can't remember exactly) garbage bags to the charity bin.

Oh and another reason for going through my wardrobe was to make room for the clothes that I intend on buying when in Phuket and Singapore in 4 weeks time. LOL.... Just need to lose a bit more weight first.....

Now I only have clothes that fit me and a few that are still a bit too tight. Its like I'm in between a size 18 and 20 tops at the moment.

My mum died about 3 years ago and when I was going through her clothes before they were donated to charity I decided to keep a few of her sweat shirts/jumpers. Well up until now they did not fit me. I tried them all on last night too and I can get into them all and all but one is a little big. The one that is tight is a Katies size 18 (real size 18 not a fat store size 18). I'm so happy, whilst there is less than 3 weeks of winter left, I actually have clothes that fit and I haven't had to buy any of them.

Brad made the comment yesterday that I've lost heaps of weight and that I'm looking good. He also made the comment of "well weight watchers actually does work doesn't it". Surprise Surprise. Now if he would go back to losing weight my life would be a bit easier.

I also posted the above information on the weight watchers GU 100-110 thread today if you read it.

WI is tomorrow and whilst I have eaten better this week and exercised well. TTOM came yesterday so I'm not expecting a loss this week.



Chris H said...

There is nothing better than trying on clothes that have never fitted before and they FIT!!! Well done mate.

Kimmy said...

Go Carlton!!! It is an awesome feeling, as you get smaller and the clothes in your cupboard get bigger. Good luck for WI tomorrow.