Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Day

I don't really have much to say today and have a really sore finger, as I broke a nail yesterday. When I broke the nail, it ripped half of my nail off, so I only have a nail on 1 finger of about 2 mm. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!! It really hurts to type on my finger.

Reason I have used this picture is that I actually sat at the table tonight and ate my dinner, yes it was on a plate and at a place setting with knife and fork. Really enjoyed it. Normally when I'm alone I sit on the lounge and eat from a bowl and don't really taste what I eat. Tonight I enjoyed every bit of it. I also stuck to my eating plan today which was good. I was on a course today and took my own lunch. I didn't eat the lollies, chocolates and biscuits that normally are provided. I am so proud of myself.

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while will know that exbf comes home at the end of July 2006 and I'd love to flaunt to him all of the weight I've lost since he's been gone. My plan is to get serious and I'd love to lose 10 kilos by then. This will see me thinner than him and really show off how serious I am about losing weight and show him what his missing out on. To do this I need to get serious and not only stick to my eating plan but I need to exercise everyday. Tomorrow I'm going to renew my gym membership (expired a few weeks ago) and go every lunchtime for 30 mins and walk to work and home when I can. Provided the weather is nice I will walk to work and home on Friday. Tomorrow I need to go to the dentist and then have my nails done in the afternoon. I so hope they can fix my sore nail, otherwise I will have to wait till the nail grows back a while (about 1 month's time).

Hoped on the scales today and they were kind to me, that was also good. I'm not going to publish how good you will all have to wait till weigh in day on saturday. Update will probably be again in the evening as I have to drive to Erina to pick my dad up from my aunts.

Exercise still isn't happening as much as I'd like. My excuse is that it is raining in Sydney this week and I don't walk in the rain.

My compliments to day are:-

1. Congratulations to me for sticking to my meal plan today.
2. Congratulations to me for recording everything via CK.
3. Congratulations to me for resisting lollies, chocolate and biscuits today.
4. I did do some exercise today and walked around the City for 20 mins at lunchtime today.
5. I can do anything I set my mind to do.

Never pay for the same kilo twice
Think thin and drink more water.


Coco said...

Sounds like you are totally focussed. Good on you.

Looking forward to seeing your weigh in on Saturday.

Me said...

It's so good to hear that you sat at the table to eat - we try to for dinner most nights and it really does make a difference - we get to talk more about our day rather than just mindlessly eating in front of the TV.

Sometimes the motivation to lose weight to show others what we CAN do is all we need - good for you for using this as a tool to help you on your journey.

Have a great week and take care !

abc said...

Wow, you are getting totaly focused. That ex bf of yours is not going to know hit him - you are going to look soooo good!! You resisted all those snacks at the course - I thuoght that wasn't possible to do, hmm if you can do it, maybe I can too! Having dinner at the table sounds fabulous - good for you. and renwing your gym membership and going at lunch is going to make such a contribution to the way you will look and feel soon! Carlton's gonna be in the 80's! Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's!Carlton's gonna be in the 80's! YAY!!!

Mel. said...

thanks guys. yesterday was a good day and today has been another good day. will post more about that later.