Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scale the World - Truth Becomes Power Day 3

Truth Becomes Power Day 3 of 32

"Scale" -- A measurement of power or intensity.

It is time to focus.

Put the day's cares aside and focus for ten minutes as we discuss the nature of power and how you can harness it for your journey up the Round Mountain.

There are three fundamentals we will cover in the next 3 days about power. There will also
be a few exercises for you to perform in order to start attracting power. More juice. More energy.

More "life" -- the good stuff.

First, power is TRUTH.

Lying to yourself is not the way to increase the power in your life. Lying drains energy on a molecular level.

Studies done using water have shown that statements of deception and negativity alter the molecular shape of water itself. Further research is undergoing to let us know exactly how "bad" this is.

Do you really want to wait for the answer?

Here's the challenge -- you lie to yourself all the time. You just don't know it.

You don't believe me? Yes and I realise it more than I'd like to admit.

See if these lies sound familiar:

"I'm fat."

"I'm such a loser!"

"If I don't get _____ , I'll just die!"

Now, I will go out on a limb here and say that you may have used one or more of those lies
TODAY! How many times have you said them in your life? I've just gotten up so its not too bad so far. Can you even count that high? No

Here's the truth:

1. You cannot be "fat" any more than I can be "lamp", or "car". "Fat" is mindless stuff. You are a mindful being. If you think this is nitpicking, remember that your mind knows this is not true. You cannot "be" fat -- you can only store fat. You are "temporarily carrying more body fat than you desire." That is the truth (if indeed you are).

Now, if you are, say out loud, "I am temporarily carrying more body fat than I desire and I'm on the path to release it forever."

Just curious -- does that "feel" better than saying, "Man, I'm so FAT!"?

Of course it does -- just not for the wrong reasons. You are merely speaking the truth, and truth always resonates in the positive. This is accurate even when "the truth hurts". Eventually it resonates with peace and clarity.

2. You cannot be a loser, otherwise you would be incapable of winning anything. Have you ever
won anything? Yes however not for a while. How about the affection of another? Yes I currently have a fantastic man in my life who puts up with a lot from me. An award of any kind? I think so. If nevertheless this were not the case, "I am not attracting the success I deserve" would be an expression of the truth.

So, try it. Say this out loud: "I am not attracting the success I deserve, and I choose to attract what I require to achieve fulfillment and abundance."

Can you feel the power beginning to grow inside of you? I can feel myself feeling a bit better about things, it's just the beginning. There's nothing magical here...merely
biochemistry mixed with speaking to your mind.

What? Did you think your mind just got all that info in there on its own? A lot of it did, of course,
but not without your eventual consent.

We are about to help it along in massive ways as we look down at base camp. (Did I mention that
you are already scaling your world? Like any climb, the first steps are a bit uncertain. Just keep going.)

3. So, "you'll just die" if you don't get or do ______." Oh, really? So your life will literally end? No of course not however it sometimes feel like it will. Is there a guy holding a gun to your head, or are you referring to an organ transplant you require?

Sure, you may be laughing -- but I am asking you to take this part seriously. Even though it is funny, it is crucial to begin living without fear, and that demands living in total truth.

Speak only the truth to yourself.

Make no exceptions to this rule.

If you're not "starving", don't say you are. Your subconscious mind will begin to react to this as if
you really "are" starving, and that means shutting down your fat-burning hormones. No kidding.

Begin stating what you WANT, not what you don't want. "I want to be leaner and more alive" is far superior to "I'm tired of being fat and feeling like my life is slipping away."

Which type of statement do you hear more often? "I'm tired of being fat and feeling like my life is slipping away."

There you go -- now you know one of the many reasons you must scale the world and shout out
the truth. People are simply killing themselves with their words. Not you, however. Not any longer.

Remember: your words become your world.

Your words become what your mind believes you to be. There is no getting around it.

This is one reason you will never hear the phrase "positive thinking" in Scale The World. Why?
Positive thinking is more often than not "thinking in lies."

See if this sounds familiar: you are told to look in the mirror and say, with a big smile on your face, "I'm beautiful, fit and awesome!"

No you're not...unless you really are, in which case you have my apologies! I bet that got your attention.

Most people urged to say this are not beautiful to "themselves." They may be beautiful in reality, but they do not feel or think they are.

Therefore, they are lying.

Most are certainly not fit, so that is a direct lie.

"Awesome" is open and vague at best.

A person seeking to generate power from truth would say the following:

"I'm committed to becoming more fit, more beautiful and living in greater awe of life each and every day."


"I am in the process of learning how to fully develop my beauty and my level of fitness so I can inspire myself and others to lead a more awesome life."

That is truth -- and it sounds nice and "positive", doesn't it? That's because truth "resonates". The frequency of truth is specific. Your mind knows this when it hears it. Your body will react to it -- every molecule of water will resonate within the beauty of it.

Just think: 75% of you is water. What can you do with that 75% firing on all cylinders, full of truth and power?

Today, write down 5-10 things you say to yourself frequently that are downright lies. Then, scratch them out and write out beside each a "truthful thinking statement" to empower your mind and your body.

1. I am fat.
2. I am ugly
3. I am a bitch
4. I hate exercise but am going to exercise everyday even if its raining.
5. I am a loser....

Truthful thinking statements:-
1. I am carrying more body fat that I would like to.
2. I am a very beautiful person.
3. I am a happy person and treat others with respect.
4. I will exercise 3 times a day because I like it and it will help me lose by body fat.
5. I am not happy with my life and will attract the success that I deserve.

Every molecule in your body will thank you.

Tomorrow -- power is energy.

Take One Step at a time.