Wednesday, June 04, 2008

My Measurements for May 2008

Measurements are another fantastic way to see myself shrinking.

I must admit that I did commit a mortal sin when I started weight watchers in February 2008 and forgot to take my measurements the first week. I did take them at the beginning of 2008 so I guess I will have to measure myself against those numbers.

Weight 26/12/07 is 114.8 kilos (Weight Watchers Start Weight is 115.9 kilos)
Arms are 44 Cm's
Hips are 143 Cm's
Chest is 120 Cm's
Thighs are 66 Cm's
Upper Stomach is 137 Cm's

Weight 05/06/2008 is 105.9 kilos
Arms are 40 Cm's
Hips are 138 Cm's
Chest is 120 Cm's
Thighs are 62 Cm's
Upper Stomach is 130 Cm's

That's a total of 20 cm's in the past 5 months. Pretty good considering the only exercise I do is walking and then again don't do much of it.

I might just have to bit the bullet and join the gym now instead of waiting to lose the 1.5 kilos that I need to get my 10% goal reward.

Take One Step at a Time