Sorry haven't been on the computer much the past few days, so I haven't done these lessons. I will do them all now and this will be a really long post.
Energy Is Fuel - Day 5 of 32
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"Scale" -- A device to measure food in grams.
It is snack-time.
We have been climbing steadily for several days, and like all efficient machines, your body requires fuel for the effort.
Listen and let this resonate: food is fuel.
Fuel must be converted into energy -- in our case through the process of digestion.
Therefore, you are 'not' what you are what you digest. Every cell in your body thrives on and evolves from the process of converting your food into fuel.
Fuel powers energy. Energy, therefore, becomes fuel. And food is fuel.
Since we started our look at energy from the mind and the external (metaphysical) sources, let's now focus our attention on the physical means of creating energy. All of these mechanisms -- the mind, the external and internal processes -- must work together if that wondrous machine called your "body" is to run and climb at peak efficiency, to last the duration of our ascent.
Let's look at some hard facts. We are a world that faces a unique problem. We have too much 'and' too little fuel -- in every aspect of the word.
Fuel has long been a source of war, struggle and greed. The need for it drives our very existence. Yet, despite the fact that our earth has plenty of fuel to go around, there always seems to be a shortage, which results in a crisis. A war. Because of our greed we abuse our land
and wonder why we have issues with our foods lowering in vitamin and mineral content.
Greed is anti-fuel.
Should we be surprised by the outcome of the abuse of our "internal fuel"? Obesity, illness, rampant food shortages -- all results of the ongoing pursuit of food as a vice rather than a tool in the Western world. This great country (America) has the potential to feed the entire world easily. Over the past 50 years in particular, we've opted to over-feed ourselves along with helping others, and our waistlines and hearts are not saying, "Thank you." They're screaming, "Help."
It is now time for some "ruthless responsibility". Are you ready? Yes
I ask you to change your mind today. Change it with a snap of your fingers. Change it to think of food as the ultimate tool. As a dangerous drug. As fuel for the flames of your metabolism -- a fire than can serve or destroy.
Food is now "fuel". Pleasurable fuel. Wonderful fuel. But "fuel" nonetheless.
Just think: what if each of us consumed food for the real reason it exists -- for fuel? Not to dismiss the pleasure of food, of course, but look at wood. Wood is fuel for a fire, and a nice fire on a winter's night is a very pleasurable experience.
Too much wood, however, and the fire either blazes out of control or is smoldered under the weight of its excess.
Your body is no different. Too much fuel causes the body to do one of two things: grow into a massive and inflamed danger zone with sirens eventually sounding their call in the form of an ambulance rather than a fire truck, or shut itself down from being "bogged down".
Either way, you burn out.
The key is to reframe food for what it actually was designed to be: a wonderful source of fuel for the climb. Something to be enjoyed like an open fire, yet respected the way you would kerosene and firewood .
Here's how to start to use food as fuel today and enjoy the process. First, write this down:
"I seek to learn and do everything required to fully enjoy food as fuel , as I treat my body like a powerful, finely-tuned machine."
Next, consider pouring just a bit of sugar into the gas tank of your car.
I bet I didn't have to tell you I was kidding, did I? Just in case -- don't do that. Your car will suffer serious damage.
So why are we pouring 135 pounds of sugar down our mouths every year -- the gas tank of the most incredible machine ever designed?
You read that correctly: 135 pounds.
In the last 20 years, we have increased sugar consumption in the United States from 26 pounds to 135 pounds of sugar per person per year. Other industrial nations are catching up. Put another way, the average high schooler weighs 137 pounds. Just think: some of us eat more sugar in one year than the typical high school student weighs.
The pharmaceutical companies seek to treat the outcome of this -- diabetes -- with drugs. What do you think? Could the fact that we've increased our sugar intake "six times over" have something to do with the development of diabetes ? I think so, and I bet you do as well.
Here's the responsibility part: you have to set the example. You're a Scaler. You are a step up now. Make that greater view a greater pedestal. Shout the message "FOOD IS FUEL"
to as many as you can. Just be sure you're a living example.
Are we getting a clear picture of the problem now? Yes
Now, let's get into some serious climbing food -- the stuff that will generate physical energy.
Your goal will be to consume more food that is "lower in energy density", not higher. Oh, the irony.
This might not make sense on the surface, but bear with me . The foods you want to focus on (not exclusively -- this is not boot camp , after all) are foods that are "heavy in weight but
light in energy." These are foods that have a lot of bulk but limited calories.
I'm going to give you the first Scaler's Nutrition Secret today.
It's not a 'diet' -- it's a way of programming your body and mind to accept food as fuel while still enjoying food for the pleasure it brings. There are just a few simple rules and three very basic foods to make the plan work: apples, carrots, and celery. Don't eat plenty of other
food along with this!
The beginning climber will want to take it easy and just consume an apple 10 minutes before eating breakfast, then eat as you normally would. Consume 2 raw carrots prior to lunch, and eat as you normally would. Finally, consume 3 sticks of raw celery (with a bit of low-fat ranch dressing, if you like ) prior to dinner, and eat what you wish as long as the food is low in starchy carbohydrates like rice, breads, pasta, and grains along with ample protein and veggies. As I have only read this email today, I can admit that I have not been doing this during the past few days. I will try to remember to do this tomorrow.
That's it. That alone will give you tremendous energy for the climb. That wasn't so bad, now was it?
Not only that, but chances are great you'll feel like a million bucks to boot. All those great, raw, natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals just working their magic in your system.
For you advanced climbers: divvy up the foods and consume a portion of apple, celery and carrots prior to each of the three meals. Don't make an entire meal out of this, but eat
enough to feel a bit full. Then, consume your normal meals.
The energy produced comes from a variety of sources -- enzymes, thermogenesis (greater body heat), higher fiber content (makes for better elimination), and so on . The key is that it works, and it works for just about anyone.
And, it makes for some easy packing, which is great when you're scaling the world.
More advanced energy and fuel techniques will follow in the weeks to come. For now, just proceed with this experiment with the focus of "food as fuel" for one week.
Write down your results.
One last thing: we need to limber up your legs a bit as we will be climbing a bit faster over the coming days, so I'd like you to enjoy a nice long walk. The best time is in the morning prior to eating that apple and breakfast. Lunch hours are fine, as is after your last meal. If you cannot walk, find an exercise that stimulates your heart rate to about 60-65% of it's maximum assuming your doctor approves. For most of us, this is any exercise that allows you to speak in short sentences only in-between some fairly deep breaths.
Make your walk or your exercise a part of your lifestyle. Unwind. Look around you and see everything you can see that's really beautiful.
If you look for beauty in everything during your climb, you will surely find it.
Tomorrow -- we'll take a break to buy some furniture.
Vacuums And Furniture - Day 6 of 32
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"Scale" -- A measurement of space.
I bet you are wondering where on earth I'm going with this thought, aren't you? Yes I am
Let's see -- you are supposed to be metaphorically scaling your Round Mountain, and now I want to discuss living conditions and cleaning habits? Not sure how it all fits in but I'm sure you will tell me.
Not exactly.
Welcome to the world of the unexpected.
You should become quite used to it. You will be continually challenged with the unexpected over the course of the coming weeks. Enjoy the surprises.
Believe it or not, we are going to talk food again...and like all things Scale, we are going to cover the reasons why we act and think toward food. "Diets" are absolutely doomed. Just look at the first three letters -- kinda gives away the feeling, doesn't it? Interesting
We've been discussing food as fuel. Empowering nutrition. The juice of life. The stuff you will require in order to climb as high as the eagles soar.
What does this have to do with a cleaning device and stuff you sit on in your house? Well, for the former, nothing at all. You merely associated the two terms because "vacuum" and "furniture" sound self-defined. They are not.
I'm referring to a vacuum in space -- the absence of matter. The thing that "nature abhors".
But you were right about the furniture.
There are two lessons we are covering today. Ready? As ready as I ever will be.....
You now know for a fact your mind cannot distinguish phonically similar words. These are words like "wait" and "weight". Or, in our case, the same word with two radically different meanings, as in "I love chocolate" versus "I love my child."
Which is true? Both They cannot 'both' be true, now can they? Yes I think so. If so, would you trade your chocolate bar for your child? No............
Didn't think so.
Lesson one: truthful thinking means speaking and reacting with distinction, clarity and honesty at all times. Yes, this will take practice. Oh yes it will, especially if I get annoyed or angry. And, I'm not asking you to be a perfectionist about it.
Just do us all a favor and stop saying, "I love pizza", when your MIND cannot tell the difference between "love" and "love" -- and anchors that feeling of pizza to the same feelings you have when you make love to your spouse, or hug your child.
Get it now? Do you see why it feels like a "craving" when you choose to stop eating a food you have told yourself a thousand times over you "love"? I think instead I should say that I desire certain foods and not love them...
Your mind is just reacting to what you told it. Now, accept responsibility for that, forgive yourself, and change the pattern. Are we good? Yes
Okay, lesson two: nature abhors a vacuum. This is a law of physics that applies to our daily lives in countless ways. We're going to cover one of those ways today using the analogy of furniture.
Think of this as "base camp" with amenities.
Let's say you wanted to get all new furniture. Most likely this doesn't happen overnight, right? No as I don't have the money to get all new furniture...
Instead you buy one piece to replace another. Perhaps you move that old chair or sofa into the
garage while you wait for the Salvation Army or a buyer for it.
Let me ask you this -- would you remove "all" the furniture at once? No, even if I had the money I would still do each room at a time. Haul it out into the garage and sit around on the floor until you got all your nifty new goodies moved in?
Why not? Simple: you have created a vacuum. You're left with an empty space, and that is not comfortable when you are used to a space that is full and rich.
Now, think of your current way of eating. How do most people go about a "diet"? They remove a
bunch of stuff and either don't replace it at all (a starvation diet), or replace it with straw (the
"wicker furniture of dieting", one could say). Straw, as in rabbit food, or food that no one would
want to eat for more than a few days or a week at a time.
Does this sound wise? No...then again, neither does moving all your furniture out until you get
"just the right stuff" for your home.
You do not need perfection in your diet. You need consistency, enjoyment and foods that
fulfill your fuel and taste requirements. In order to pull this off, you need to do this:
>>> Never Remove Without Replacing.
Do not "stop eating bread" and not replace bread with something that is better for you and
that you enjoy.
It's that simple -- really.
Do not say to yourself, "I will never eat chocolate again." Instead, say "I choose to eat chocolate this Saturday after a refueling dinner."
You make the choice. You create the timing. You were the creator of the "temptation", and there- fore, the one who can manage it successfully.
So, think of your daily nutrition as a set of furniture. Perhaps you really do need all new furniture, but please replace only one piece at a time. Enjoy the process, and always shop for the very best. That means organic, healthy foods that you really enjoy. After all, you would not replace a lousy chair with a slightly less-than-lousy chair. What sense does that make?
Replace, and replace with the best. Never leave a vacuum. The hole it creates will become a
black hole, sucking you down rather than propelling you upward and on with the climb.
Tomorrow -- manifesting your destiny.
= = End of Day 6 = =
Manifesting Your Destiny - Day 7 of 32
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"Scale" -- A degree of ownership or expansion.
Do you own your destiny? I would like to this that I do.
Even more to the point -- are you designing your life from an original blueprint, or from a preconceived, paint-by-the- numbers fabrication? To be honest its probably from a preconceived idea.
When you paint by numbers, someone else owns the end result no matter how much effort you may have put into the project. When you simply 'paint', however, you own.
You own whatever you design, and you own "only" what you design when it comes to life.
This degree of ownership is called manifestation. As a Scaler, you are being called to manifest energy for the climb, encouragement for your fellow Scalers, and a life lived on the summit rather than on the edge or in the valley.
Learn this today: you control nothing, but you can and will manage everything.
>>> "I control nothing. I manage everything."
This is your mantra for the rest of your days should you choose to accept the truth within.
Perhaps you recall the term "Manifest Destiny." In the nineteenth century, this term was a sort of American catch- phrase for a calling to expand...often, despite the means or the ultimate cost.
Today, we're re-creating as we create. We will create our own destiny through the art of manifestation. At the same time, we will change a bit of history.
Which history? Your concept of what you are truly capable of. Your concept of your past, present and future. This will be changed as of today.
The creation? The awakening of the power to manifest rather than react; to manage rather than control...yet manage in incredible ways. To create rather than rely on the preconceived -- patterns that your "genes" or your "past" may have seemingly dictated.
I am asking you to lay aside two things today:
1. The desire for, and even the concept, of "control".
2. The belief that you cannot manifest or create your own destiny.
Do these two concepts seem to contradict? Yes they do a little. Perhaps on the surface. In order to 'create', do you not need to 'control' as well? Must remember that....
No -- not at all. You simply need to manage.
Here is a rather amusing illustration of this point. I would like you to grab a pencil or pen and a sheet of paper. Close your eyes and use your weaker hand (if you are right-handed, use your left, or vice-versa) and draw a cat. Now, draw a man or a woman standing next to the cat. Finally draw a house in the background.
Now, open your eyes.
You've just created without control. Perhaps what you just created would not even be suitable for potty training your new parakeet, but that makes little difference -- it is still an original creation. It never existed until this very moment. "Good" and "bad" are irrelevant. The process of manifestation is the only thing that matters.
To further 'manage' this, you can open your eyes and use your stronger hand. Unless you are artistic, the results may be similar. They may even be worse! That's okay -- and that's another good example of the power of choosing to create, yet choosing to relinquish control in favor of management. However, the results may be outstanding.
One thing is for sure: the more you manage, the better you become. "Practice" is a form of managing. You are managing your time, focus and desire in order to create a better "you" in the area or discipline you are studying.
You, my friend, are now and forever more a student of your own life. A student of the patterns of success. A student of the ongoing skill of creation and design.
You must now dismiss perfection by dismissing control.
Control does not exist. It never has. Yet it has kept many of you from ever seeing your greatest self. Your real reason for being. The greatest expression of your calling on this planet. All hampered because of the illusion of control.
However, management is completely within your grasp. In fact, it is your absolute 'responsibility' -- nothing less should be accepted.
Once you agree to manage, you agree to a life that no longer demands perfection in any way. You can now demand "excellence". Excellence is far superior to perfection. One exists for you; the other is nothing but illusion. One allows you to be fully and wonderfully human; the other enslaves you to a robotic and imprisoned existence.
Freeing yourself of the illusion of control is step one to becoming a full-time manifesting machine. Someone dedicated to the ongoing process of continually creating a life that exceeds all expectations. A life colored outside of any lines, dots, or pre-conceived patterns.
A life of your own design.
One more lesson for today -- I would like you to fully understand and respect the power of manifestation. Most people are content to say things such as:
"I cannot help it."
"I was raised this way."
"My genes will not allow me to be ______."
"I was ____________ as a child, therefore I cannot do _____________."
"It was not my fault."
Do any of these statements render you with a sense of empowerment? No. They are the creation of the disempowered masses. They too can manifest -- but you want nothing to do with the artwork they come up with.
To "manifest" first means you accept the power you possess to create. Perhaps you cannot create a tree. That level of creation is already taken. However, you can create a life, a calling, a destiny, a body of health and power, a desire to share and give love, total abundance in fulfilling areas of your life, and more energy than you will ever need.
You can do all this through manifestation. Through the power of realizing that each and every moment you can choose to attract what you require in life by proper thought and ongoing actions. You can also repel it just as easily through lies, negative energy and choosing to
live life on auto-pilot.
A Scaler manifests by nature. Some of our creations are better than others -- but they are all our own. We learn from each and every instance of manifestation. We evolve to become better, more effortless creators. We grow to accept the awesome responsibility of creating a life, a calling and a destiny.
Today, I would like you to write down what you choose as your destiny in life. Take your time. Think big.
- I am not perfect and I can live with that.
- The people around me are also not perfect and I can live with that.
- To take one day at a time and try to do my best during that day.
- To be a happy, healthy and fun loving person.
- To control my temper.
- To love myself and my life.
- To take accountability of my life.
"What do I require to manifest my personal destiny today?" To love myself, accept myself as I am and to exercise... That the people around me including myself are not perfect and that is ok.
That's it. That is the question -- and it is processed one day at a time. One moment at a time. Every moment is a step toward or away from YOUR destiny -- the one you can either manifest and create, or the one you can walk away from. Walk away from it, and you choose to stay "within the lines".
You choose to connect preordained dots and call it the art of living.
But I know you want more.
Please decide today that you will hang nothing but originals in the home of your mind and heart. Decide today that nothing but your own manifestations will adorn your world.
Let this sink in. It's deep, but give it time. We will be covering the principle of manifestation further as we proceed with our climb. For now, just realize and accept with joy and a sense of adventure that you are not only a Scaler, but a Manifestor of Destiny...
the designer of a life the world will remember with affection and honor.
Tomorrow -- what are you staring at?
= = End of Day 7 = =
Take One Step at a time.
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