Monday, May 05, 2008

Weight in Day 3/05/2008

Saturday was weigh in day at weight watchers. Sorry its taken till now to post this but I've been slack.

Start Weight on 8/2/2008 = 115.9 kilos

Last week 26/4/2008 = 107.6 kilos
This week 05/4/2008 = 108.4 kilos
Gain this week 0.8 kilos.
Loss so far 7.5 kilos in 13 weeks.

I only have myself to blame for this gain, as I've eaten like a pig all week. It's amazing I didn't put on more than this. I also didn't exercise at all last week.

My bad eating continued all weekend as well but I'm glad to say that today is another day and I'm back on track today.

Take each step as it comes.


boringsahm said...

What was it about last week? I had a complete shocker also, ate copious amount of rubbish, didn't exercise and gained a kilo!

Forwards we march, up the straight and narrow....

xox Boringsahm