Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weight in - Week 14

This is what half of kilo of fat looks like and this is what I lost this week. I should be happy with this but I'm not really.

Today was weigh in day at weight watchers.

Start Weight on 8/2/2008 = 115.9 kilos

Last week 03/5/2008 = 108.4 kilos
This week 10/5/2008 = 107.9 kilos
Loss this week 0.5 kilos.
Loss so far 8 kilos in 14 weeks.

I'm happy I've lost 8 kilos but I'm not happy how slowly its taken since Brad moved in. I've been looking at my weight results since he moved in and they have been all over the place and this is because he has been sabotaging me and I've been letting him. He tells me that he wants to lose weight but he keeps buying me ice cream, cream (light) and light custard etc. If I'm to get to my goals then his has to stop. We had a serious talk today and I suggested that if he is serious about losing weight then he has to join Weight Watchers with me and come along every week. To my surprise he has agreed to join next week and going forward it is going to so much easier staying on track.

I also explained that him bringing junk food into the house including light cream & custard has to be reduced, I don't have the will power to say no to it at the moment. We go through 1 litre of light custard and one aerosol can of light cream a week. My problem is if junk food, custard, ice cream, cream etc is there I will eat it, if not then I want.

I also haven't made my goal for the half way mark in the FX End of Financial Year Challenge. My goal was to lose 5 kilos by this week but I have only lost 2.7 kilos. I will need to pull my finger out and keep focused if I'm to make my 10 kilo goal loss for this challenge.

Tomorrow is Mothers Day and we are planning on walking the 4km Mothers Day Classic. I would walk the 8km's but Brad can't walk that far at the moment. As it is we will start out together on the 4km walk and he will end up slowing down, so we will finish it at different times.

Take on Step at a time.