Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Exercise 14/03/06

Work is so busy at the moment, it appears everyone wants to see me before I go on holidays in 7 (work days) time. Not that I'm counting. I didn't get to they gym yesterday which I was a little annoyed about.

I decided to wash my car last night cause it hadn't been washed for months. I also took it to a car wash that you do it yourself and get lost of great upper body exercise. You got to hate it, when it rains the day after you wash your car. Yes its raining in Sydney today and whilst we need it, my nice clean car is going to get dirty again. Just hate when that happens. After washing my car, I went and did the grocery shopping and spent 30 mins walking around Coles.

I noticed last night as I was walking through Coles that there is so much chocolate in the supermarket at the moment and its not just because of easter. Chocolate is a big danger food for me and it was so tempting to buy some, but I know that if I do, I will eat it all and I will not get to my goal. I kept thinking as I saw the chocolate, that if I buy it and eat it, I will not lose 1.5 kilos this week. Normally I don't put pressure on myself to lose a certain amount of weight a week, this week is an exception as if I lose 1.5 then I will have lost 5 kilos in 2 weeks on Sureslim.

During my walk I decided to walk through every idle, even though I only needed fruit, vegs, cat food and diary items.

Exercise summary

Car wash = 20 mins
Grocery shopping 30 mins.

So far so good this week and I'm planning on going to the gym at lunchtime today.


Me said...

There is a lot of chocolate in Coles at the moment - I pack there at night and it is just amazing how much we keep having to stock the shelves. It is good that you realise it is a trigger food and so don't buy it in the first place - if you haven't got it you don't eat it which is what I do.
I am glad that you are staying focussed on what you want to achieve - that is such a useful tool to use when you are tempted to eat something you shouldn't.
Never mind about the gym - good for you for doing something else instead and not just complaining about not making it to gym.
Are you going away for your leave or is it just some catch up time for yourself ? I hope you have a great time whatever you do and wherever you are !
Take care and keep up the good work !

Mel. said...

I'm going to Melbourne for a week for the Formula 1 Grand Prix and then spending some time with my dad and getting him out of the house.

Thanks Me. I'm off to the gym now.