Saturday, July 29, 2006

Oh What a Day

This is a picture of my cat Zac who was the cause of my stress and frustration today.

I took Zac and my other cat Zelda over to my dad's place this afternoon so they could spend some time with him and spend some time in his backyard.

I let Zac and Zelda out the back yard at 2 p.m. and then spent some time doing my cross stitch. At 2.30 p.m. I decided to check on them and could only find Zelda. The stress and frustration came when I discovered that the side gate was opened and I couldn't find Zac anywhere. He wasn't coming to his name being called and the shaking of treat packets. I, my dad and my brother searched everyone in the backyard and under the house, still nothing. I took to walking the streets and calling out his name, still nothing. My dad and brother gave up searching but I kept searching the streets and every so often coming back and searching the backyard and under the house again, but nothing. Eventually at 4.45 p.m. I get a text message from my brother telling me Zac had been found. I was so happy but angry at the same time.

We do not know where Zac spend this time as when he had, had enough exploring he walked up the back steps and tried to get back in the house (I had closed the door so I at least knew where Zelda was during the search) and was meowing at Zelda through the door. My brother thinks the whole thing was funny and that Zac shouldn't be in trouble because at least he came home.

You need to bear in mind that Zac is a 4 year old indoor cat who hasn't been exposed for great length of time to the outside world and has no street sense. During his missing time I was in tears, hysterical and thinking how to I explain to my partner that Zac got out and is now missing. Zac is his favourite cat. Also I wasn't looking forward to Zelda pinning for Zac, apparently she was walking about the lounge room looking for him and wondering what was going on.

I am glad it all worked out in the end and in future I will check the side gate to make sure it is locked.

Never pay for the same kilo twice.


michelle said...

Glad it had a happy ending. I remember many years ago the same thing happening with our dog. Very distressing. Have a good week.

Mary said...

LOL great names and thank goodness he came back! I have two cats also, Quill and Dax. Dax does exactly the same kind of thing so they only go outside now when I am out there supervising. Sometimes I feel slack keeping them indoors but they'll live longer and are pretty darn happy.

Briony said...

I'm so glad that Zac came back,it must have been very distressing for you. Good luck at work tomorrow.

Mel. said...

Thanks everyone. Yes it was a very distressing time. I am also glad he is back and he will be under supervised outings in for a while.
Still not feeling very well, so will see how I feel tomorrow as to if I go back to work.

MSU gal said...

Glad you found Zac. Hope you feel better soon!