Monday, September 01, 2008

What is Mojo

For those international readers who do not know what Mojo is below is the explanation:-

Mojo can be defined as your magic, voodoo, charm or your energy, vitality, zest, drive, zip, zing, spirit, verve, pizzazz, punch, passion, oomph, power, get up and go, vigour and feistiness.

Mojo is the extra spark that is the difference between having a good day and a great day. Its the difference between getting good results or outstanding results.

You know when someone has their mojo as they have that extra something that helps them get that little bit extra out of a situation. You also seem centred and calm, yet at the same time they have a twinkle in their eye.

So when I say that I have my mojo back, it means that I am centred, calm, energized, my passion is back and have my get up and go regarding my weight loss journey. When I started this journey back in February I certainly had my mojo but seemed to lose it when Brad moved in towards the end of March. It was so much harder to make healthy choices when he was and does eat what ever he likes. Whilst he is still eating what ever he wants I am making better food choices and am losing weight. Mean while he is gaining weight...

Some time ago I purchased a book called "How stole my mojo? How to get it back and live, work and play better" by Gary Bertwistle. I am yet to read this book but will probably take it on the plane with me when I go overseas in a few weeks. Most of the above definitions have come out of this book.

I am the most important person in the world.


GM said...

Hi Carlton

Thats fantastic!! It is a bit difficult when our partners eat and drink what they want, but you are right in that we have to look after number one and that is ourselves.

So great you found your Mojo, now I'm inspired to find mine, I know it's not far away.

Have a great week.
