Monday, March 02, 2009

Walking to Work and back

I have decided to walk to work this week to see if my body can cope with so much exercise and to see if I can do without a car.

Today was day one of walking to work and back and so far so good... I did enjoy my walk today, that much I'm going to give it another go tomorrow as well. Oh course I'm also hoping it will have a positive affect on my weight loss this week...

For those who are a bit concerned on what happens if it rains, well I have a plan. I can either catch the bus at the end of my street and that goes to a few blocks from work, or I can walk in the rain with an umbrella and & raincoat...


celtic_girl said...

Way to go on the walking to work. What is the distance and how long does it take you?

In my first job (many moons ago) I used to walk from Central Station down to Wentworth Park twice a day.The afternoon trip I mostly ran to catch an earlier train and in four inch heels as well. Must admit I think it kept me trim back then.

Tina said...

Good on you for walking to work.

I actually went walking in the rain tonight and it was lovely. As long as there is no wind. That spoils it.