Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why Why Why

Sorry need to have a whinge at myself. Why do I do it to myself????? I know what to do to lose weight but why do I self sabotage????

I've been walking to work for the past 3 and a bit weeks and if I'm honest with myself my eating has been crap for at least the past 2/3 weeks. Why is it if I do exercise I tend to eat crap and if I don't exercise I stick to my points and eat healthy food??? Why am I incapable of doing both????

I guess the answers to this is why I have a weight problem and have bouncing around at this weight for the past 6 months.

I did manage to get under 100 kilos the other week but didn't really feel like posting a celebratory post cause I didn't get as excited as I should have....

I currently weigh 99.7 kilos and that's a total loss of 16.2 kilos over the past 13 months. Not all that great when you look at the time its taken, but at least I've lost something I guess...

I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow for the F1 Grand Prix and with money a bit tight this year, I'm planning on eating breakfast in the motel (cereal, skim milk fruit and maybe some toast). Also with the race being a mid afternoon race (not starting to 5.30 p.m.) the gates don't open until 11.30 a.m. We are planning on using the gym and pool at the motel, which is another good thing, especially given the late starting time.

This post isn't about feeling sorry for myself etc., it more to get some stuff out of my head that has been stressing me out for a little while....

Just need to do it... Fake it till I can make it......


celtic_girl said...

I know where your coming from re the self sabotage and don't have any answers for you, only that we all do it. When I get like this I try and focus on the positives and take one day at a time.

Hope you have a great trip to Grand Prix - relax and work on this when you come back.

Joanne said...

The only thing wrong with the speed of your weight loss if your attitude to it.

Chris H said...

I hope you have a fabulous time !

Apple2Hourglass said...

You got under a hundred? Well done honey. That's awesome. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to lose the weight, at least you're losing. I've gained in the last three months - so i'm going the wrong way - you're going the right way - so feel good about that fact!
Have a great trip.

Jodie said...

congrats for getting into the 90's Carlton! Well Done!!!!

Enjoy the GP. I used to live across the road from Gate 1. I'm kind of glad I don't live there now.

I finally got around to responding to your tag :)
And I've added some photos of my kids :)

Hope you're well. Maybe next year we should catch up when you're in Melbourne again? I haven't been reading blogs for ages, and completely missed that you were going to be in melb.

Jaxx said...

Just popping in to wish you a wonderful easter :-)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

You have done well to lose 16 kilos in 13 months.. you know yourself it could easily have been the other way... a gain of 16 kilos... dont be so down on yourself...
It may take another 13 months to lose another 10 kilos... and of it does..so what... we have the rest of our lives to live girl..slow and steady always wins the race...