Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weight Issues

Sorry I haven't posted in what seems like for ever, but I've been really busy at work, looking after 3 portfolio of clients. I've also started a new job last week, similar to what I was doing but now more complex and bigger lending clients. Oh and so far not as much stress but its only been week 1..............................
Yes as the picture says I'm really pissed off but with myself weight wise. I have allowed myself to eat anything and everything in sight.
I really hate how I look in the mirror lately in what clothes I'm wearing. It really looks like I'm pregant when I'm not................
Needless to say I have put back on all the weight I've lost since I started this journey. This means that I am back at my original starting weight of 117 kilos. Not happy Jan but apart from being embarrassed about it, I do find it easier to share this figure with you.

I've realised that I need to start eating healthy now and sticking to a calorie count, so when I do have this operation, the limited food will not be as tough on my system. As at Wednesday (I think) I started using CK diary again and whilst I'm on a lot of calories there, I feel like I'm in a little more control of the food that I eat. I am also trying to be honest in the diary so if I eat cake, then it goes in. Trying to stay within my carbs grams is proving to be a challenge but its still early days and my choices haven't always been the best ones.
Oh is your a CK member, feel free to drop by my diary and take a look. Also feel free to given me some advice and guidance in need. The website address is Its free to join these days.....

Just needed to vent a little that's all....................
I will try and post a little more regularly now that work is settling down a little.
Take One Step at a time.


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Hey Carlton...glad you came back to let us know you were ok...
Sorry things are pissing you off..take care and vent when you need to... ck is cool huh...

Kim said...

Hey sweetie

Have been wandering where you got too. DH and I have started WW together as we know your frustration re weight.

Sending u big hugs


Sienna said...

*Clapping* Yay! You are back! I have missed you! Hang in there Mate, things can only get better, and blogging can really help!