Monday, October 26, 2009

I must be crazy to walk in this weather.....

Well I must be crazy this morning, it's raining in Sydney today. I got up early and went for a walk, mainly because I over ate a bit on the weekend. I was going to go for an hour walk but it ended up only lasting for 40 minutes. I made the mistake of not taking a rain jacket, just an umbrella and with the wind in my area this morning that broke about 1/3 of the way into my walk, so I threw out the umbrella, turned around and walked home... Needless to say I got rather wet and a few strange looks from drives for not having any wet weather gear on...

After having a hot shower at home, getting changed, the rain didn't stop me cause I walked to work as normal. This time a little better prepared. I wore a rain jacket and then had one of those big plastic jacket things that went over me and my backpack. I also managed to bring extra socks etc in case they got really wet, which they have...

I must either be crazy or in the grove to want to be under 85 kilos by christmas. I hate walking in the rain, because it's horrible, windy and no matter what you get a bit wet...

Its a real winters day today and I was so craving porridge but didn't think I had any. I was in luck, one satchel left in my draw at work.


blondie1 said...

Well done for staying committed to walking in ANY weather ....

Chris H said...

I must be getting soft cos I hate walking in the rain now. Too cold. Good on you for doing it anyway!

Jaxx said...

We had an awesome weekend here was bliss no rain for a change :-)

Heather said...

You have inspired me Carlton! OK, I'm going to get sorted and get back on track - walking in the rain, wow!

celtic_girl said...

You deserve a pat on the back for being so committed.

How was your o/s holiday?

Chris H said...

Hey chick, how are you? You have been quiet lately.