Saturday, December 13, 2008

Very disappointed in myself....

I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself right now and I really only have myself to blame for it. I have eaten like a pig for a few weeks now, not tracked and have done no exercise and surprise surprise I had a decent size gain on the scales today.

To make matters worse I had a school reunion last night, which was an Italian Banquet and I didn't have to drive so I had a few cocktails. We ate until we couldn't move, not a good move the night before WI. I'm pretty happy with myself that I went to Weight Watchers today and actually weighed in. I did think about going and using my no weigh in pass but decided that I needed to know the damage and the move on.

Even though I look pretty big in this photo I'm actually happy with the photo and like the fact that I'm smiling in it.

This photo is of me drinking another cocktail and I think I look huge here. It doesn't help that this dress is actually a few sizes too big for me and doesn't fit me properly. I like the dress and didn't want to buy another outfit.

The result on the scales really gave me a kick up the bum that I needed. I have today tracked all of my food and was on track to stay within my points today until Brad got the chocolates out. I had a few of them and have put them in my tracker. I will just need to do some exercise tomorrow to cover these points.

I am going to use this week to get use to tracking again and introduce exercise back into my week. I can't wait for the new program to start as I'm going to use the new program as a new beginning and start my journey again...

I so want to look so much better at the next time I see these ladies...

I'm feeling pretty disappointed with myself right now and very fat. I'm not looking for any sympathy here and I am just typing this out so I can reflect back on it at a later date if I loose the plot again.

It seems that I have a long way to go to over come emotional eating but recognising that I'm been emotional eating is the first step to me overcoming it. Some of the reasons I've been emotional eating are:-

1. Boredom with my current job,
2. Stress of knowing if the proposed new job is approved and if not who will get the current vacant position. (They are hoping to know this week if the job is approved or not).
3. Being to hard on myself and trying to be super woman.
4. Stressed over money.


~closed~ said...

Carlton, I'm in the same situation. I haven't really been 100% on track since July. I was doing very well on WW - had lost 13 pounds - and then my husband and I went to Catalina for a mini vacation. Since then, JULY!, I have not been on the wagon in full force. I'm going to write more tomorrow about the same struggle you're having. WE can do this.

Joanne said...

Ok so we know WHY you emotionally eat, now lets have a list of solutions.
You can do this, you don't want to be on this round-about forever and no food is worth how you feel right now.
Don't wait for the new program, have your new start now. You don't need a new program to get those scales moving!!
Chin up,
Love Joanne.